• Deliverance Courses

    Be amazed as these courses are actual deliverance sessions on-demand that come to life through the power of Holy Spirit.

  • Group Sessions

    Get individualized attention and community as you enjoy group deliverance on zoom. You even have access to the replays.

  • 1 on 1 Sessions

    These sessions expose ancient altars and contracts that are hindering your life today. Only available for purchase if you are in the membership.

Cursed to Blessed Free Challenge

YES! You can turn your life around in 3 days or less and
walk in the life and purpose God designed for you!


Purchase individually or as a bundle for the same low monthly price.

Free Testimonial Meeting - Prayer Praise and Prophecy

This meeting happens every 4th Wednesday of the month.
Don't miss out the next meeting!


I teach you how to operate in the authority of Jesus Christ according to Luke 10:19. So you will not only get free, but you stay free.

  • You will learn how to discern the Holy Spirit's voice and direction.

  • You will learn how to find and tear down satanic altars in your ancestry.

  • You will learn how to find the access points for witchcraft attacks and remove them.

  • You will learn how to get your family free from the clutches of the devil.

How Do I Divorce Spirit Spouses?

Are you struggling with a spirit spouse? Do you feel like someone is watching over you? Do you feel like your spouse is holding you back from living your best life? Are trying to keep you from moving on? Learn how to divorce these Spirit Spouses by downloading this FREE guide.

Joy Wilburn

Deliverance Coach

Joy Wilburn began in ministry in the year 2000 when God told her to preach healing to the sick. She comes from Chicago where she was coached in ministry by her father Wilburn Carlos. She has been married over 28 years and has two sons. Rollerskating , double dutch and kayaking are her favorite activities.


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Don't miss out on Breaking Curses 101 updates!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I know if I am cursed?

    A curse is a repeated cycle of destruction, sickness, poverty, or death. If you pay attention, you'll notice a negative pattern of events in your life and across generations. For example, you can fill in the blanks, "Every time I _______, _______ happens." And if you or your ancestors have ever practiced witchcraft, then you will be a major target for witchcraft attacks.

  • Can a Christian be cursed?

    Yes, but of course churches and pastors will tell you otherwise. The bible clearly defines the blessings and curses in Deuteronomy 28. And those are based on obedience to the commandments and not the title of Christian or Believer.

  • How do I break a spell?

    "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law." Through the process of applying the blood of Jesus, a person can break a curse if they have first broken the legal rights that the sin has over themselves. I teach you how to do just this in the courses.

  • What time are your classes and how often are they?

    The classes are self-paced and you can access them at your convenience.

  • When does the group meet?

    The group meetings are 2-3 hours at least once per month. If you miss a meeting, the replay will be uploaded in your membership site.

  • Should I fast and how long before a deliverance session or class?

    I recommend a 2-3 day fast. If you can't, just get alone for a few days. Also, unplug from social media and TV / videos and friends during the fast.

  • How can I schedule a one on one session?

    One on one sessions reveal so much, but most people aren't ready for the backlash. To prevent backlash and setbacks, first I educate you how to effectively block any counterattack. That happens in the class. The group sessions give you a sounding board so you can talk about the reaction in the spirit realm that will happen when you get delivered. After you take a class and you're plugged into the group, you are welcomed to sign up for a one on one session!

Removing the Barriers to Healing

Learn to Heal the Sick

If you have been praying for healing, but it doesn't seem as if your prayers are getting through to God, it is because something is blocking them. 

  • Trauma
  • Heart-break
  • Rejection
  • Witchcraft
  • Childhood molestation
These are just a few barriers that God will uncover as this book guides you along with Holy Spirit to find the barriers to your healing.

And then it walk you through prayers and exercises to remove them by the power of Jesus Christ.

Can a Christian be Cursed?

Deuteronomy 28 outlines the blessings for obeying God's laws and the curses for disobedience. God's law doesn't change just because we call ourselves Christians.

When we disobey there are consequences which is another word for a curse. Curses are carried out by demons. When we repent, the demons don't automatically leave. They have to be cast out. Until those demons are cast out, we will continue to see the problem. Jesus left that work for us to do. That is why he gave us power over the enemy in Luke 10:19.

On this site, you will be taught how to identify a curse. And you will be given the tools to break them and cast out those devils causing them. This school is for everyone, from the seasoned Christian to the seeker who is curious about how to apply this power God has given us.

No case is too hard for God. All are welcome to explore starting with the free courses. The presence of God is here to deliver you.

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